Sunday 26 January 2014

Answer to quiz on Saturday 25th January 2014

The answer to yesterday's quiz is C) governing law.

Here is our definition from our book "Civil Litigation and Dispute Resolution: Vocabulary Series":

Governing Law (noun): This is more informally known as the choice of law or applicable law. It is a very common issue in contract law. In legal English governing law means the country, state or jurisdiction where legal proceedings will be heard if the parties have a dispute. It is common for both parties to agree the governing law before executing a contract, however, it is also common for governing law to become a contentious matter if there is no clause in the contract or if the clause is not clear. Associated Words: Applicable Law (noun), Contentious (adjective), Contract Law (noun), Dispute (noun), Jurisdiction (noun), Matter (noun), Party (noun).

Enjoy your Sunday :)

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